The Ole Ball Game

do more runners score from third base than second base?

by Jeff

25 more ways to score from third base than from second.

25 more ways to score from third base than from second.

Jeff asked: A co worker of mine and i were having a discussion around which base productions more runs on a single play, a runner on third, or a runner on second?

We have found Percentages, but looking for actual data. Hoping to find some info!


Rick answered: Jeff, thank you for your question.

MLB may have some actual numbers on that sort of thing, or you might be able to locate something at

The stat I use most for my players is that there are 25 ways to score from third base, than there are from second base in each of these situations.

Since there are so many additional ways to score from third base, it is possible that more runs overall are scored from there; but I do not know that for a fact.

As coaches we work real hard on getting a runner to third base, preferably with less than two outs, so that all 25 of these scenarios can come into play.

Yours in baseball,


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Jul 23, 2018
scoring from 2nd NEW
by: Art

cubs have a great stat going from 1st to 3rd on a single. but runners on 2nd can't seem to score on any kind of single. they wind up on 3rd cause they watch the ball which slows them down instead of watching the 3rd base coach. i've noticed this a lot, am i the only one who sees this? is there a stat for that?

thank you

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