The Ole Ball Game

Should a freshman be given a position over a junior that has been playing and playing well?

by Anita Redden
(Harrington, De usa)

Motivation - You Get To Choose

Motivation - You Get To Choose

Anita asked: We lost a lot of players on our varsity team due to Seniors graduating.

The coach brought up a freshman and put him in RF over a Junior, who has played that position from JV to his first year of varsity and is now sitting the bench.

We're at a loss as parents because we are all in agreement that the freshman has not brought any more talent to the team to cause the other player to set the bench.

Please tell me your thoughts on this. Thank you!

Rick answered: Anita, thank you for your question.

It could be as simple as the coach is just taking a look at the freshman, and how he handles himself at the varsity level, as he looks ahead to next year.

At times, if teams are struggling, coaches will make some lineup changes, just to shake things up.
It could be one player, or more at a time, in the hope that a different combination will of players will create a different atmosphere.

Things happen within a team's structure and are not immediately apparent to players, or parents, as to why they happened.

Players should feel they are able to talk with their coach to understand why the change has been made.

A coach should be able to articulate his reasons for the change. If it is related to the players performance, he should be able to tell him what he feels he needs to do to get back into the lineup.

With that information, the player then has something specific to work on.

These are generalities to be sure. The only two people who have the available information are the player, and the coach. These decisions are based on practices and games, and team dynamics.

Players may not always agree with what they hear; but the reality at that point in time is, they need to begin working on whatever information the coach has provided.

With the end of the high school season, all players should take a critical look at how their season went, what worked and what didn't, where do I need to improve before next spring and get to work to achieve my goals.

In our program, we conduct exit interviews for the returning players, get their feedback on how they felt their season went, let them know what we feel would benefit them the most and set the ball rolling.

If that isn't available, the players need to pick up the ball and run with it. Taking a critical analysis of how they felt their personal season went will provide them places and areas to start working on for the next season.

Set goals and a workout pattern and stick with it.

Become that player the coach and colleges are looking for.

Almost all of a players improvement occurs over the off season. Once the season begins, most all the practice time goes to team offensive and defensive skills, the strength, agility, throwing mechanics, swing mechanics all get done over the winter.

Yours in baseball,


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May 25, 2017
Great feedback
by: Rosebud7

I hope I'm in the right area to give you more information since the school ball has ended. I will tell you I had the hardest time keeping my thoughts to myself about the changes out Varsity coach made. He also controls the JV team just doesn't coach it. My biggest problem was he brought up 3 freshman and put them in positions that Junior ball players earned. He doesn't discuss his actions to his kids so they're all angry and wondering what they did or didn't do to lose their spot. I'm a parent who goes to the coach when I see somethings not right so I can help my son improve. These kids are intimidated by their coach because he won't explain his reasoning and doesn't tell them how to earn their spot back. So in the end, with NO wins, he finally takes out the 3 freshman and puts the 3 juniors back in the positions they should have been in. What I don't understand is why would you wait till there where 3 games left to put the older kids back? Thank you I do agree with your comments

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