The Ole Ball Game

should a catcher catch a third strike bunt fly ball in foul territoy?

by Jad Haidar

Bunt Attempt With 2 Strikes, Automatically Strike Three

Bunt Attempt With 2 Strikes, Automatically Strike Three

Jad asked: If a batter has 2 strikes and bunts into foul ground he is out,however, what if the bunt had the ball popped up in foul ground? He doesn't need to attempt to catch it, right?

Rick answered: Jad, thank you for your question.

You are correct. As soon as the ball is in foul territory the umpire should declare the ball is "dead, batter is out", thus no runners may advance on the action.

As you look at the photo above, there are runners on first and third. If the batter bunts the ball foul, and it is his third strike, he is automatically out, and those 2 runners remain where they were at the start of the play.

Catcher does not need to catch the ball, or even attempt to.

Yours in baseball,


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Jun 06, 2018
Foul bunt on strike 3 becoming a pop fly NEW
by: Carl Moore

I did read that such a pop fly, if caught, negates the strikeout, and the fielder making the catch gets a putout.

Jun 06, 2018
Third Strike Bunt Foul NEW
by: Anonymous

Are you sure? I thought the rule book called a bunt into foul territory with two strikes a strike-not a foul. Which implies that runners could be moving. So the catcher may want to catch the ball so they can make a play if runners decide to try and advance.

Apr 13, 2018
Bunt becoming a caught foul fly NEW
by: Carl Moore

Even if it would have been strike 3, it is not atrikeout.

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