The Ole Ball Game

Run scoring on double play

by Steve
(Levittown, pa)

Steve asked: Man on 1st and 3rd,one out.

Fly ball to center caught for 2nd out.

Man on 3rd tags up and gets in before 3rd out.

Man on 1st leaves early to go to 2nd base. He realizes ball is caught and goes back to 1st base.

The center fielder throws to 1st base before the runner get back to 1st.

Does the run count?

Rick answered: Steve, thank you for your question.

Rule 5:08 How a team scores.

a) One run shall be scored each time a runner legally advances to and touches first, second, third and home base before three men are out to end the inning.

Exception: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made (1) by the batter-runner before he touches first base (2) by any runner being forced out or(3) by a preceding runner who is declared out because he failed to touch one of the bases.

The situation you described is one continuous play. When the center fielder threw the ball to first, that out is a force and was the third out of the inning. Run does not score.

Yours in baseball,


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Jun 12, 2019
False Information NEW
by: Anonymous

That explanation is one hundred percent inaccurate. A "force out" is the prevention of a runner obtaining the base beyond the base they started when the pitcher delivered the ball.

In the situation inquired about. The batter was out via the catch and the runner on first was out via poor base running; not a force out.

If the runner on third touches home before the out is occurs at first - the the run counts.

Apr 13, 2018
Run does count NEW
by: Carl Moore

It is not a force to be put out before you tag up.

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