The Ole Ball Game

Pitching rules

by Fred Tate
(Lexington, SC)

Jordan Walden Delivery

Jordan Walden Delivery

Fred asked: The Cardinals have a pitcher whose name is Walton(?) or Waldon(?) or Walten(?), I'm not sure which.

When he pitches, he jumps straight up breaking contact with the pitching rubber before he releases the ball.

How is this a legal pitch and why do the umpires allow it? Thank you. Fred Tate

Rick answered: Fred, thank you for your question.

Previously I had a similar question concerning Carter Capps, who currently plays for the Marlins.

The link below will take you to what little I was able to learn through my research:

Carter Capps

The above images are of Jordan Walden. I was not a pitcher; but as a hitter I believe it is a distinct advantage, as they are much closer to the plate at release.

The second image above is a high school pitcher we had a few years back. Depending on their stride, by the time their arm comes through to release, the back foot has moved forward off the rubber.

Looking at the two release points, Walden is much closer to home plate.

The umpires are governed by MLB as to rule violations. Thus far, no changes have been made.

Jordan Walden is currently on the 15 day disabled list.

I would bet more discussion will be coming, especially if both pitchers are successful with this delivery.

Yours in baseball,


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