The Ole Ball Game

on an overthrown ball at first base that stays in play how many bases can you advance in little league?

Photo Bill Stanton:

Photo Bill Stanton:

Jason asked: I coach a 7-8 little league team and i know that if a ball is overthrown at first base and goes out of the field of play the runner is awarded 2 bases but what if the ball stays in play, how many bases can the runner advance? I thought they could advance as many as they wanted until the play had been called dead.

Rick answered: Jason, thank you for your question.

You are correct, as long as the ball is alive and in play, runners are able to advance at their own risk.

Should something occur during this process where the umpire calls time, the ball becomes dead and all action stops.

The rule in the Little League Rulebook which covers this situation is 5.02...After the umpire calls "play", the ball is alive and in play and remains alive and in play until, for legal cause, or at the umpire's call of "time" suspending play, the ball becomes dead.

While the ball is dead, no player may be put out, no bases may be run and no runs may be scored, except that runners may advance one or more bases as the result of acts which occured while the ball was alive ( such as, but not limited to an illegal pitch Junior/Senior/Big League - Balk, an overthrow, interference, or a home run or other fair hit out of the playing field.)

Possibly in your situation an umpire incorrectly called "time", which would stop all action. There would be no way to know how many bases runners may have been able to reach at that point, thus he made a ruling to move them some; but not quite possibly all of what they may have been able to reach.

There is also a possibility your local league has instituted a "local" rule, to help the game structure some and move it along. Seven and eight year old leagues can become a series of overthrows and runners circling the bases.

As far as the rule itself, as long as the ball remains in play, it remains live.

Good luck with your season. 7-8 is a great age to work with.

Yours in baseball,


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Sep 05, 2019
9/10 little league overthrow ball to third with runner advancing to third base. Can the runner advance home if the ball went to the outfield and was touched by said 3 rd baseman then shortstop outfiel
by: Anonymous

We had a runner run from second base to third on an overthrown ball and the ball got past the shortstop backing up the throw and also past the outfielder. Can the runner advance home to be safe once the runner steps on home plate and the umpire calls her safe. The oppositions team throws the ball back to third and they call the runner out due to a one base over throw rule. Or should the player running be allowed to return to the 3 rd base?

Nov 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

What happens if there is an over thrown the ball is then touched by a fan or another player. Does the runner going to second stay at second since he already made it safely before the interference..

Nov 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

What happens if there is an over thrown the ball is then touched by a fan or another player. Does the runner going to second stay at second since he already made it safely before the interference..

Nov 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

What happens if there is an over thrown the ball is then touched by a fan or another player. Does the runner going to second stay at second since he already made it safely before the interference..

Jul 26, 2014
2 base award
by: Anonymous

Your question about being one base award is incorrect. They get 2nd base on the overthrow, but it is a 2 base award. There is no guarantee that batter-runner would reach first base safely. Thus with 2 base award, batter-runner gets 1st and 2nd base. This is only on the condition that the thrown ball went out of play. Otherwise if the ball is still in play, the batter-runner runs at their own risk.

Jun 10, 2014
by: Pat

Your comment about 7 and 8 becoming a series of overthrows and base running is on the mark. Do you know of any well written local rules that limit this and keep the focus on kids attempting to make the play? Thanks

May 06, 2014
Thrown ball
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Anonymous: An overthrow of first base, or third base, runners are awarded 2 bases when the ball goes out of play.

Yours in baseball,


Apr 04, 2014
base advance on overthrow
by: Anonymous

So, if overthrow at first is out of play...the runner gets ONE base advance (to 2nd base)?

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