The Ole Ball Game

Did umpires in any major team ever get the baseballs from a ground pop up dispenser?

by Vincent
(Beverly Hills)

Harvey the Rabbit ~ Oakland A's 1969

Harvey the Rabbit ~ Oakland A's 1969

Vincent asked: I have heard that one major league used a ground pop-up dispensers for getting baseball, just curious if true.

Rick answered: Vincent, thank you for your question.

Harvey the Rabbit, pictured above, would pop up from underground with a basket of new baseballs for the home plate umpire.

The A's owner, Charlie Finley was well known for his interesting promotions and gimmicks.

Until you see it, it's hard to believe it.

Yours in baseball,


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Oct 27, 2019
Old Comiskey Park Chicago
by: Aloha27

My Grandfather took me from Toronto in 1966 to see a twi-night doubleheader between the White Sox and Detroit Tigers. There was indeed a pop-up dispenser for baseballs used by the home plate umpire.

Sep 12, 2019
Remote ball system for umpire at Comiskey NEW
by: Jeff Hoch

There was a remote control ball basket behind home plate umpire at old comiskey Park in Chicago.
A metal square opened and a basket full of balls raised and the umpire filled his pillow chest protector with a handful of balls.
I don’t remember how long the contraption was in use but I do remember the metal plate may cause a footing problem for the catcher on pop fouls.
This would have been mid-sixties....,,

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