The Ole Ball Game

david wright of the mets was out due to what was diagnosed as spinan stenosis which usually ends a baseball career. what kind of treatment did he get

by vance merritt

David Wright

David Wright

Vance asked: Medical question.

David Wright of the Mets was out due to what was diagnosed as spinan stenosis, which usually ends a baseball career.

What kind of treatment did he get?

Rick answered: Vance, thank you for your question.

The latest I have seen is he has resumed baseball related activities.

His return has been delayed a couple of times.

I know nothing about the injury, only that it is serious. Hopefully it is not career ending. He is a great player and individual.

Yours in baseball,


Comments for david wright of the mets was out due to what was diagnosed as spinan stenosis which usually ends a baseball career. what kind of treatment did he get

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Sep 03, 2015
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

I'm fairly certain the diagnosis was "spinal" stenosis, not "spinan."
The treatment depends on exactly what kind of spinal stenosis it was and its severity at the time it was discovered. More often than not, surgery is required; and with today's advanced procedures & equipment, most people -- if they properly rehab -- can return to their careers with little to no restrictions. But back surgery of any kind is not to be taken lightly and if rehab is 'rushed,' delays are inevitable.
Unless the spinal stenosis is severe and inoperable, it is not necessarily career-ending.

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