The Ole Ball Game

Can a person steal first base?

Anonymous asked: Can first base be stolen by the batter?

Rick answered: Thank you for your question.

While a offensive player is able to steal second base, third base and home plate, they are not able to steal first base.

Batters are able to reach first base in the following ways:

  • Hit by pitch.

  • Base on balls.

  • Intentional base on balls.

  • Catcher's interference

  • Dropped third strike

  • Missed third strike

  • Basehit

  • Fielder's choice

  • Error by defense

There is an old saying in baseball that,"You Can't Steal First Base".

Generally speaking, it is in reference to a player's need to be able to hit the ball, work counts to draw walks, or consistently put the ball in play, so as to provide themselves with opportunities to reach first base.

Being fast is a valuable thing; "But You Can't Steal First Base".

Yours in baseball,


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Aug 13, 2019
Steal First in Minor Leagues, soon to come to Majors. NEW
by: Anonymous

Minors are considering allowing a batter to decide on a wild pitch or pass ball whether to run to first (steal first base). Once the batter commits, he has to go. He may be thrown out if the catcher can get the ball to first before the batter safely reaches first.

Jul 14, 2019
Steal first
by: Richard Beattie

A batter has stolen first base for the first time in baseball history.
Yes, you read that right. On Saturday, an Atlantic League batter stole first base, marking the first time the feat has ever been accomplished.
During the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs’ game against the Lancaster Barnstormers, Tony Thomas became the first player to ever steal first.
Per the Washington Post, this is how stealing first base works.

Any pitch on any count not caught in flight will be considered a live ball, and a batter may run to first base, similar to a dropped third strike.

So, when Alejandro Chacin’s 0-1 pitch went to the backstop it became a live ball giving Thomas the opportunity to dash to first base. Under normal circumstances, the count would be 1-1. Instead, Thomas was ruled safe at first with no outs.
Thomas would end up coming around to give the Blue Crabs its first run of the game. Per the official scoring sheet, Thomas’ steal of first is recorded as a fielder’s choice because of the ability for the catcher to make a throw.

Jul 14, 2019
New experimental rule
by: Jeff

In July of 2019, MLB and the Atlantic minor league formed an agreement whereby MLB could use the Atlantic league to test new rules.

One new rule, the batter can steal first on any pitch not cleanly caught and not a foul (not just on a third strike).

It was done a few days later in the Atlantic Minor League.

Also, you can legally steal first from second base as long as it is "not an effort to deceive"...whatever that means.

So, "You CAN steal first base!"

Jul 03, 2018
Segura stole first NEW
by: Anonymous

What about Segura "stealing first" in 2013? He stole second, then got caught in a rundown going to third, ran back to second where a runner on first had advanced, then Segura went back to first. He was subsequently thrown out trying to steal second base a second time.

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