The Ole Ball Game

Can a batter get an RBI on a dropped third strike?

by Don
(Apex NC)

Photo Bill Stanton:

Photo Bill Stanton:

A runner is on third; the batter strikes out but the ball is dropped; when the catcher throws the batter out at first the runner scores. Does the batter get an RBI? The runner did not break for home until after the catcher threw to first.

Rick answered: Don, thank you for your question.

Rule 9-3, Sec 3 Player's batting record Art 5: A run batted in is credited to the batter when a runner scores because of a base hit, including the batter/runners score on a home run; a sacrifice; any putout; a forced advance, such as for a base on balls or batter being hit; or an error, provided there are not two outs and that action is such that the runner on third would have scored even if there had been no error.

As you describe it, the runner from third scored on the subsequent putout of the batter at first base, thus the batter should receive an rbi.

Yours in baseball,


Comments for Can a batter get an RBI on a dropped third strike?

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Jul 31, 2017
Reaching first on dropped third strike
by: Don

I would score it a passed ball as the catcher dropped the pitch not a hit.
Messes up the batters batting average but gives him a rbi

Jul 31, 2017
scoring a hit for reaching first on a dropped third strike.
by: Anonymous

If a batter reaches first on a dropped third strike does the batter receive a "hit" in the score books?

Jul 28, 2014
Dee Gordon scores on Putout
by: Anonymous

In yesterday's game between the Dodgers and Giants, Dee Gordon scored on a putout of Adrian Gonzalez strikeout. Gonzalez however did not get credit for the RBI. How does that fit into the rule?

Jul 21, 2014
Passed balls and wild pitches
by: KJP

Passed balls and wild pitches are never scored as errors


Jul 21, 2014
Passed balls and wild pitches
by: KJP

Passed balls and wild pitches are never scored as errors


Jul 21, 2014
Passed balls and wild pitches
by: KJP

Passed balls and wild pitches are never scored as errors


Jun 19, 2014
Not rbi because its on error?
by: Dan

according to the rule it also states its an RBI if scored by error in which the runner would have scored anyway. a dropped 3rd strike is scored an error on catcher if batter/runner is safe, and clearly no run would have scored but for the error. therefore would this not be a RBI?

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