The Ole Ball Game

Plate appearance

by Jim
(Phoenix, AZ)

Jim asked: Why is a walk not counted as a plate appearance?

Rick answered: Jim, thank you for your question.

A walk is counted as a plate appearance, it isn't counted as a time at bat.

A walk is considered a plate appearance and is part of the formula for computing on base percentage.

OBP = hits + walks + hit by pitch
Divided By
at bats + walks + hit by pitch +sacrifice flies

OBP is a more complete statistic than Batting Average, as far as a players contribution to the team.

Yours in baseball,


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Apr 13, 2018
More comments about plate appearance NEW
by: Carl Moore

Batter could be awarded 1st base for interference, and it is not an at-bat. Plate appearance is ended by batter being put out or becoming a runner.

Dec 07, 2016
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by either "bathing a good" or "slugging a good." Please explain.

Dec 06, 2016
At bat vs. Plate appearance
by: Anonymous

I believe number of plate appearances are used as a qualifier for bathing a good, slugging a good, etc.

Jul 06, 2016
Why not counted as "an at bat"?
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

Given the above response, then announcers and the info boxes are passing incorrect 'data' to the TV viewers. All the announcers interchange the phrases "appearance" and "at bat" when talking what the batter previously did. For those not familiar with baseball lingo, that can be confusing.

That also raises another question - - -
Why isn't a walk considered an "at bat"?

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