The Ole Ball Game

Is this situation scored as a fielders choice with an rbi or an error?

by bj

BJ asked: Bases loaded, 1 out, the batter hits a routine ground ball to the shortstop.

The ball is fielded cleanly and the shortstop decides to throw home to get the lead runner.

The throw is on target but the runner from 3rd beats the throw and is safe.

Rick answered: This situation would be scored as a fielder's choice, with an rbi.

The ball was fielded cleanly, the throw was on the money, so there is no error, the runner from 3B just outran the ball.

Fielder's choice as the shortstop decided to go to the plate, rather than 1B.

Yours in baseball,


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Oct 15, 2017
Runs Batted In
by: Rick,

Jesse, A RBI is a statistic credited to a batter whose action at bat causes one or more runs to score, as set forth in rule 9.04

a) The official scorer shall credit the batter with a run batted in for every run that scores...

1) unaided by an error and as part of a play begun by the batter's safe hit (including the batter's home run), sacrifice bunt, sacrifice fly, infield out or fielder's choice.

Yours in baseball,


Sep 25, 2017
E6 Throw Home
by: Jesse

What if in the same circumstance the shortstop instead throws it over the head of the catcher which allows the runner from 3B to score.

Does the Batter still get credited with an RBI?

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