The Ole Ball Game

If bases are loaded, there is one out, and a foul fly ball is caught? Can any base runners advance?

by Ben

Foul Fly Ball

Foul Fly Ball

Ben asked: If bases are loaded, there is one out, and a foul fly ball is caught? Can any base runners advance/ tag up? Score?

Or might a fielder that has a play on a foul ball to catch, choose to let the ball drop in foul ground, to avoid any runners advancing and having to make a play in the runner?

Rick answered: Ben, thank you for your question.

With the bases loaded and one out, all base runners have the ability to tag up, and advance on the catch, or dropped, missed ball, if either should occur.

Once having tagged, runners are able to advance on the catch, at their own risk, as many bases as they feel they can reach safely.

So, if the fly ball was very deep, it could be possible for a fast runner to score from second, before the defense could relay the ball to the plate.

An outfielder certainly can let that foul fly ball drop, and it would be in a situation where the runner on 3B was the game winner.

Should the outfielder believe he had no chance to throw that runner from 3B out, then the play would be to let the ball drop foul, and take your chances on getting the hitter out on the ensuing pitches.

Those types of options are the things that players work out in their mind, prior to the pitch being made. If a player has to think about what his options are after the ball is hit, things generally don't work out.

If they run the scenarios through prior to, it becomes physical reaction and more good outcomes occur.

Yours in baseball,


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Apr 18, 2016
foul ball
by: Anonymous

The key word here is foul. NO the runner cannot run after a foul ball has been dropped. It's the same as a foul ground ball. DEAD

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