The Ole Ball Game

can a fielder ware a batting glove on his throwing hand

by David Kirkland
(Moreno Valley Ca)

David asked: A defensive player is wearing a batting glove on his throwing hand.

Rick answered: David, thank you for your question.

I am unable to locate a reference, in either the MLB Rules of the Federation Rules in regards to a fielder wearing a batting glove on their throwing hand.

A pitcher would not be able to wear one, as it would be perceived to create some advantage, grip wise.

As far as the other 8 fielders, there is no mention of it being illegal, nor legal.

What level of baseball was it that you saw this happen? Was the weather exceptionally cold?

Be interested in learning some more about the situation it occurred in.

Yours in baseball,


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May 15, 2016
A little additional info
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Shaun: In the 2013 Little League Baseball Rule Summary...Pitcher may wear a batting glove under ball glove but it may not be white, gray, or optic yellow.

2015 Rule 1.11...Pitcher shall not wear any items on his/her hands, wrists or arms which may be distracting to the batter e.g. sweat bands.

Given this last statement, any batting glove on a pitchers throwing hand would have to be considered a distraction.

Hitters are taught to locate the baseball at the pitcher's release point. Anything on or in his hand except the white baseball would truly be a distraction.

Found nothing further; but it follows that a batting glove would create an unfair advantage in the amount of grip and torque applied to the baseball.

Don't see how they could allow it to happen.

Yours in baseball,


May 15, 2016
Batting glove on throwing hand
by: shaun monahan

I am coaching a little league team and one of the kids wants to throw with the glove on his throwing hand and I cant find a rule that says he can not any help would be awesome ... thanks

Apr 05, 2016
Batting glove on catcher's throwing hand
by: Rick, theoleballgame

I have been unable to find anything in the rule books that would make it illegal.

I know they would not allow a pitcher to wear one on their throwing hand, as it would be a decided advantage for the pitcher.

Yours in baseball,


Apr 03, 2016
Batting glove on throwing hand
by: Anonymous

70* 11 & 12 year olds Pony baseball, the catcher was wear a batting glove on his throwing hand. I protested that it would give him an unfair advantage fo throws to 2nd base.

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